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His Home. His. Community. 

Christopher A. Johnson has been a dedicated elected leader in Yonkers for over a decade. As the oldest of three siblings, he grew up in the Bronx and has deep family ties to Yonkers, where he now lives with his wife, Tai, and son, Joshua. A devoted husband, father, and education professional, Chris has prioritized the health, safety, development, and dignity of District 16's working-class residents in his legislative work.

Chris's journey as a servant-leader in Yonkers began well before his time in office. After earning a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from Long Island University - C.W. Post Campus in 2006, he worked on Andrea Stewart-Cousins' successful State Senate campaign. As a dedicated campaigner, he canvassed Yonkers, engaging with residents to understand their concerns and desired improvements for the city.

Following Stewart-Cousins' election, Chris continued to serve Yonkers by working on her re-election campaign and in her District office, first as Community Liaison to Yonkers and later as her Deputy Chief of Staff. During this period, he completed a Master’s degree in Education at Fordham University, specializing in School Counseling and Personnel Services in 2011.

In 2010, Chris made Yonkers his permanent home, driven by his passion for education, youth development, and safety. He volunteered at Roosevelt High School's Counseling Center through Yonkers Partners in Education, where he shared his college experiences and guided students through the application process. Later, he became a School Counselor in Yonkers Public Schools, further demonstrating his commitment to the community.




Proven Experience. Proven Leadership

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In 2011, the residents of Yonkers elected Chris Johnson as a Councilmember for the 1st District on the Yonkers City Council. His constituents re-elected him for a second term by an overwhelming majority, endorsing his focus on employment, affordable housing, and education equity - pillars that continue to guide his platform and legislative work today.

In 2017, Chris ran a successful campaign to become the County Legislator for the 16th District, and voters have since re-elected him twice. As a legislator, he has fought tirelessly for the interests and needs of his district and the wider Yonkers community. He has led initiatives to create policies that enhance safety, equity, and access to essential services, helping all residents to live with dignity.

Chris has achieved significant legislative success, leading the efforts to advance equity in co-op housing, ban gun shows on county property and prohibit conversion therapy. He has also taken a stand against unethical employment practices, leading initiatives to end wage theft and inappropriate inquiries about past salaries or criminal records.

Chris also took the initiative to develop and launch a pilot program in Yonkers that provides renters facing eviction with legal representation. Given its success and growing demand, the county is now expanding this program.

A Fighter that Doesn’t Quit.

Chris Johnson has committed his life and career to advocating for the most vulnerable in the community. He staunchly believes that strengthening protections for working families, children, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and rehabilitated former convicts can enhance conditions for all. He also views the budgeting process as a crucial part of this advocacy, consistently pushing for an equitable budget that provides resources for comprehensive services and public community facilities.

His steadfast commitment has been evident throughout his tenure in office. As County Legislator, Chris chaired the Appointments and Social Services Committees, addressing critical issues such as homelessness, child protective services, veterans' affairs, and childcare.

His dedication extends beyond the scope of his legislation. During the 2020 protests for Black Lives and the peak of the pandemic, Chris stood with his community, distributed personal protective equipment, joined in the demonstrations, and found housing for essential workers. He is now spearheading the creation of a county-wide Office of Police Accountability.

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